अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी। शब्दों के सही अर्थ जानिए। 2020

अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी।

 अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्दो के अर्थ

Bigot = One who is filled with narrow and prejudice opinion (कट्टर)

Gamble = To play games of chance, etc... for money 

Monogamy = The practice of keeping only one wife 

Unique = The only one of its types

Benign = Tumor which is not likely to spread, pleasant or beneficial in nature or influence, harmless, innocent ( भद्र, दयाल, सुहाना )

Epigram = Short poem or saying expressing idea in clever and amusing way 

Reticule = A woman’s drawstring handbag usually made of net used in 18th and 19th century 

Scaffold = Platform on which criminals are executed

Astrology = Science of the influence of the stars on human affairs ( ज्यातिष षास्त्र )

Episode = Part of a story (specially T.V. or Radio show) 

Piggybank = A child's coin bank (often shaped like a pig) 

Altruist = One who lives and works for the welfare of others

Philology = Science of study of language ( भाषा का अध्ययन )

Crematorium = A place where dead bodies are burns and reduce to ashes 

Erudite = A learned or scholarly person ] 

Explore = Travel into a country for the purpose of learning about it.

Irreconcilable = Impossible to find agreement between (असगत)

Honorary = An office for which no salary is paid 

अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी।

Conflagration = Huge destructive fire

Vegetarian = One who eats only vegetables

Explicable = Capable of being explicated( व्याख्या करना, स्पष्ट करना )

Incomparable = That which cannot be compared 

Bond = Agreement or engagement that a person is bound to observe 

Anachronistic = That which is out of place

Alienate = To turn friends in enemies( मित्र को षत्रु बना लना )

Savage = Violent and uncivilized

Egoist = A self centered person with little regards for others 

Malnutrition = Condition caused by not getting enough food of the right kind

Groan = A deep sound made by someone in pain. (कराहना)

Indelible = Which cannot be erased or forgotten 

Quintuplet =  Five children born at the same time

Ambiguous = Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible sense

Colloquialism = Informal expression used in everyday conversation ( बालचाल का प्रयाग )

Imminent = Which is about to happen

Noose = Loop of rope is called

Thermometer = An instrument for measuring temperature

Innumerable = That which cannot be counted (असख्य)

अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी।

Analgesia = The loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious 

Genetics = The study of heredity.

Death-blow = That destroys or puts an end to something

Pandemonium = Wild and noisy disorder(कालाहल)

Itinerant = One who travels from place to place 

Scandal = Talk that bring bad reputation to somebody

Irrecoverable = That which cannot be recovered

Wages = payment of work done especially foe labour of mechanical kind (मजदरी)

Dissertation = A writing on a particular subject 

Scullery = A place of washing dishes adjoining kitchen 

Condominium = A country ruled by two countries

Pyrotechnic = Art of making fireworks( आतिषबाजी निर्माण-कला )

Metamorphosis = Complete change in appearance 

Pornography = Treatment of obscene subjects in writing, painting etc.... 

Concurrent = Happening at the same time, coincident, concomitant

Derisory = Not to be considered serious ( ताना मारने वाला )

Brilliant = Of outstanding significance

अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी।

Patronymic = Name derived from that of father or ancestor 

Surreptitious = one who done stealthily

Stationers = A person who sells writing materials. ( लखन सामगी विक्रता )

Extempore = Speech made without preparation. 

Cripple = A person who is unable to walk or move properly. 

Philatelist = One who collects postage stamps

Feasible = Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstance as they are ( सभव, साध्य )

Psychic = One who has strong mental power 

Bookworm/Bibliophilic  = One who is interested in reading books and nothing else. 

Fortnight = A period of fourteen days

Conceited = To have a very high opinion of oneself (अहकार,घमण्ड)

Convalescence  = Gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury 

Juxtapose = Placing a thing beside another 

Continent = One of the large landmasses of the earth

Erudite = A learned or scholarly person ] ( विद्वान पुरूष )

Venial = One who can be excused, excusable 

Nerd = A single minded expert in a particular technical field 

Hedonism = Belief that the most important thing in the world is pleasure

Death-trap = Place where many people have died in accident ( खतरनाक स्थान )

Acrimonious = Angry and bitter (typically of speech or discussion) 

अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी।

Curmudgeon = A bad tempered person

Constellation = Group of stars

Immortal = One who cannot die( अमर, अनष्वर )

Telescope = Instrument for viewing objects at a distance. 

Ethnology = Science of the races of mankind and their relation. 

Philatelist = One who collects postage stamps

Agenda = Items of business for consideration at a meeting ( घाषणा पत्र )

Numismatics = The study of coins

Imaginary = Exiting only in the mind

Bay, gulf = A part of the sea/Lake in closed by a wide curve of the shore

Neogamist = One who is recently married(नवविवाहित)

Nerd = A single minded expert in a particular technical field 

Parody = Funny imitation of a poem

Pessimist = One who looks at the dark side of things

Crematorium = A place where dead bodies are burns and reduce to ashes ( शवदागह, शमसान )

Congenital = Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth 

Prompt = Done without delay

Moral = The significance of a story or event

अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी।

Exquisite = Extremely beautiful and delicate ( बहुत सुदर एवं नाजुक )

Scapegoat = One who is blamed for the mistakes of others 

Bier = A stand to support a corpse or a coffin prior to burial 

Momentous = An occasion of great importance

Philistine = One indifferent to art or literature . ( अबौद्धिक व्यक्ति )

Monotheist = One who believes in a single god 

Fallacy = False or mistaken belief

Abdication = To formally give up
अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी। शब्दों के सही अर्थ जानिए। 2020 अंग्रेजी संक्षिप्त शब्द को अर्थ के बारे जानकारी। शब्दों के सही अर्थ जानिए। 2020 Reviewed by Best Seller on 5/13/2020 02:56:00 pm Rating: 5

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