Nowadays the issue of "taking a car" has not been very 'special'. But even if we have to take our car sometime now, we drive it ourselves this is not the case for most. Learning to drive a four-wheeler - it's a wonderful experience! Especially for everyone who grew up in the middle class!
Because every middle-aged teenager has ever dreamed of "doing your duty, you drive, go on a long road trip"...And the integral step in fulfilling this dream is to learn to drive a car…!
Driving a car is the systemic management of steering wheel-clutch-brake-gears…!ncreasing speed-reducing - controlling is a very important part.
Driving a car is the systemic management of steering wheel-clutch-brake-gears…!ncreasing speed-reducing - controlling is a very important part.
Many of us have the habit of driving while pressing the brakes every time the brakes are pressed while reducing the speed of the car. If any of you have learned to drive from a motor training school, the instructor who is with you will also tell you that.
Q.' Why do you even need to press the clutch every the time you brake!'
And you too may have been tempted to say it. But have you ever admired -"What is wanted, need to squeeze the grip along with a break? If the break is given to stop the car, then what does it still do after pressing the clutch?"
Q. When pressing the brake at each time, should the clutch press?
There is an Answer - every time there is no need to press the clutch pressing the four-wheeler.
When you just press the brake, the train stops early than expected, but when you press the brake before the break, the car reduces the speed brake late and then stops because the rpm increases the clutch.
Here are the first to understand Gears' basic knowledge.
Lower Gear = High RPM and Less Stamp
High Gear। = Low RPM and More Speed
Your car has a speed range of each gear.
1st Gear - Per hour 0-10 km
2nd Gear - Per hour 10-20 km
3rd Gear - Per hour20-30 km
4th Gear - Per hour 30 km or more
If your car speed 1 is a less than 10 km in any other gear except the gear, and if you press the direct break without clutching, the car will stop suddenly in the place. It is when there is a car in the other gear except 1 as if the above is a speed range of each gear, and if the girl has a specific speed range, then the train will stop suddenly if you press the brake without a clutch and you will stop the break.
When should you press the clutch? The following two methods are:
1) When descending gears.
2) While stopping the car completely.
In addition to these two methods, there is no need to press the clutch while pressing the brakes of the vehicle. The clutch connects the drive train to the engine. The driver disconnects from the train engine when you press the clutch while changing gears.
So the driver can easily switch gears. But if the driver changes gears without pressing the clutch, however, there is a fear that the gear teeth will collapse.
So what exactly to do?
1) When you want to reduce the speed of the car, just release the accelerator/gas pedal a little.
2) If the speed of the vehicle does not go down as expected even after leaving the accelerator/gas pedal, start pressing the brake pedal at light pressure.
3) Press the cl clutch pedal completely and adjust the gear according to the speed of your car and slowly release the clutch pressure according to the gear you are on. In 1st gear (with reverse) and 3rd gear you slowly release the clutch pedal, and in all gears, you release the clutch pedal immediately.
4) If someone suddenly arrives in front of you or if there is an emergency situation, press the brake, press the clutch and bring the gear down to 1st gear or neutral mode. This is certainly not good for your car, but it is important to do so in an emergency.
If you just want to slow down the car, remove the foot from the accelerator and just hit the brakes lightly. No need to press the clutch.
If the car has to stop at one point, the car's speed is set to zero, or the gear is likely to speed, press the clutch so that the car does not stop.
Finally, The joke is that these very basic things are not taught in driving school ... and so we keep on damaging the car.
Manual car starts without pressing clutch step.
Reviewed by Best Seller
11/26/2019 07:22:00 pm

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